Parishioner Scholarship 

The community of Our Lady of Mount Carmel exists to bring God’s light-bearing mission to life for the world, starting with each other. As each of us grows into the plans God has for us, we happily support and encourage one another every step of the way, from birth and baptism through death and into the hope of resurrection.

The OLMC School Parishioner Scholarship is one of many manifestations of that mutual commitment, as the entire parish stands in solidarity with families in their quest to provide their children the best possible education and prepare them for lives of eternal purpose.

There are four basic tenets of parish membership:

  • We have been made for relationship. Whether it’s in the best or worst of times, our journey through this life would be stunted and desolate without each other. Friendship and community, on the other hand, magnify our blessings and share our burdens. Nowhere is this more evident than at Mass where, joined together in active participation, we most powerfully experience the joy of Jesus' promise: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

    We attend Mass not simply out of obligation, but because what we do at Mass matters. In the Mass, Jesus’ sacrificial offering to God the Father is re-presented so that we can give God – through and with and in Jesus – everything we have and everything we are. This holy exchange transforms us, personally and corporately, to bring God’s love to life in the wider world. Your presence in that moment makes a difference, not just for you but for the entire OLMC community. Parish membership, therefore, rests first and foremost on regular attendance at Sunday Mass.

  • Our parish mission statement incorporates worship and mission, because the two are inextricably linked. Our life’s mission is dictated by what we worship. When the true and living God is the center of our hearts and lives (worship) we assume his priorities and his purposes as our own (mission).

    When we give ourselves away, offering our time and talents in a volunteer capacity, we participate in the generosity of God. It’s no surprise that this is good for us: It reduces stress, provides us with new learning opportunities and experiences, promotes personal growth, and builds fellowship and camaraderie. In fact, several studies have shown that the benefits of volunteering extend to boosting the immune system and increasing life expectancy!

    Of course, serving is a win-win proposition, as our entire community benefits from our volunteers’ contributions. OLMC’s culture of cheerful generosity continues to amaze everyone who encounters it: OLMC parishioners are some of the most gifted and talented people around, and their efforts improve the lives of others in countless ways, big and small. Whatever your background, interests, and availability, there are opportunities for you to get involved. While there are no set requirements for volunteer hours, the second tenet of parish membership is that you will devote your time and talents to OLMC as you discern what God is asking of you.

  • Our commitment to putting God first in all things includes the financial aspects of our lives. We know that everything we have belongs to God. He gives it to us for his plans and purposes, and we’re eager to respond to him with open minds, loving hearts, and trusting souls.

    It’s one of life’s great paradoxes that we often have to experience to believe: Money is less valuable when we hoard it with a clenched fist than when we give it away freely to others. Fear of losing out is replaced by the certainty of having made a generous and loving investment. Moreover, most of us have been given a hand up one way or another by others. Giving generously lets us take our place in that centuries-long chain of neighbor helping neighbor, simultaneously passing on the charity we’ve been shown and inspiring others to keep it going.

    A well-rounded financial plan, no matter how modest, always includes an aspect of giving. The third tenet of parish membership is that you will financially contribute to OLMC as you grow towards giving a full tithe and beyond. A family’s recorded contribution (via envelope or online) of $40 or more per week qualifies them to receive the parishioner scholarship; however, we know that some families are unable to offer that amount at this time, while some are in a position to give much more. We trust your prayerful discernment.

  • Christian living is a journey. There’s no such thing as standing still: We’re either making progress or backsliding. The fourth tenet of parish membership, therefore, is a commitment to grow as God is calling us, as individuals, families, and an entire community. For more details about the resources OLMC offers in your own faith journey, please visit our GROW page.

If membership at OLMC parish appeals to you and you believe God is calling you to join, welcome! We’re very happy to have you, and we encourage you to register, if you haven’t already.

Once you’re a member of the parish, please fill out the following form if you’d like to take advantage of the parishioner scholarship. It will go to the parish office, and someone will process your request with due haste.